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Another echo of Purim is found in the Soviet Union a few years laterIn early 1953Stalin was planning to deport most of the Jews in the Soviet Union to Siberiabut just before his plans came to fruitionhe suffered a stroke and died a few days laterHe suffered that stroke on the night of March 11953the night after PurimnoteJewish days end at sunsetyou will see March 1 on the calendar as PurimThe plan to deport Jews was not glycomet online games carried out.

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We are also commanded to eatdrink and be merryAccording to the Talmuda person is required to drink until he cannot tell the difference betweencursed be Hamanandblessed be Mordecaithough opinions differ as to exactly how drunk that isA person certainly should not become so drunk that he might violate other commandments or get seriously illIn additionrecovering alcoholics or others who might suffer serious harm from alcohol are exempt from this obligation.

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68 since purim is preceded by a fast day, the rabbi also directed his descendants to have a private fast day, the 5th day of tamuz, marking one of his imprisonments 1629 , this one lasting for 40 days.

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